Spain Day Five - Off to Barthelona

Yes, I know it's officially Barcelona, but you would never know from the thick Spanish lisp of it's natives. We said a sad farewell to the Smith's this morning (after our last café con leche, of course) and drove to our next destination - Barcelona. Pete found the cutest apartment on - don't be deceived by the pictures, it's a postage stamp!

We decided to put our cute red kitchen to use tonight, so we hit the local supermarket, and came home with lots of goodies: Churizo, olive oil, garlic, tomato sauce, pasta, warm bread, ripe tomatoes, and a few more goodies too. 

When we got home, we opened a wonderful bottle of Sauternes, threw some garlic, olive oil, and churizo into a frying pan, and cooked the night away! It all turned out really tasty - the Sauternes was Peter's favorite yet, and Julie's second favorite.  After dinner, we were summoned by the blogger gods ;) and here we are!


Linds said...

sooooo jealous of your travels! We must get together upon your return and make you repeat all of this in person!

Naomi Smith said...

oh! you chose a good olive oil . . .

Stef said...

I love the room decor! Also, my husband's Grandma adores drinking her cafe con leche every morning. She would be so proud of you. :)